Curtiss P-40 Warhawk

A little while back, a friend was looking for a poster of a P-40 Warhawk. Having nothing better to do at the time, I decided to try my hand at modeling one. I based my model on a technical drawing that I found on the Web. This was one of my first attempts at actual texture mapping. Yep - I wasted a whole lot of texture space.

Since then, I worked on an update to both the model and the texture. I added a few work-in progress shots, just to prove I'm not lying about it. Some day, I'll finish and post the new, improved version!

7k Warhawk - Rough
Here's a taste of things to come. This is a new Warhawk model, weighing in at 7182 polys. Mapping is complete, but I haven't painted the texture yet. This shot just uses a bunch of placeholder materials.
7k Warhawk - Flyaround

A flyaround of the model, showing the various animated bits.

7k Warhawk - edged faces
The same 7182-poly model with edged faces.

7k Warhawk - Texture Map
The layout of the texture map. I used the "Render to Texture" feature in Max 6 to generate this image. I still need to paint the real texture.

Model info:

  • Software: 3DS Max 6.0 and Photoshop CS
  • Polygons: 7182
  • Texture map size: 512x512
  • Time to model: ~20 hours (estimate - alas, I didn't track the time)
  • Time to texture: n/a